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Psychological Safety Quicktest

Curious about your whether you create or undermine psychological safety? Take the quick test and get a short responses. Ask for a more detailed report, if you want. It's 10 USD.

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Test whether you have the behaviours that encourage or discourage psychological safety in others. The questions are based on our research of thousands of leaders. These really are the behaviours that make the biggest difference.

Growth Blocker

The Growth Blocker quick assessment is our free tool that measures Critical-Skeptical Mindset. The Critical-Skeptical mindset is all about reducing risk of personal pride by distancing yourself from any responsibility. It is a mindset that is characterized by a heavy use of irony and sarcasm, paired with a large amount of unwarranted criticism and a general distancing from responsibility and accountability. A person with a high score on this assessment will typically feel insecure about own capabilities and try to hide their “flaws” from others, or maybe they feel overly proud about their own achievements and shut others down with criticism when they challenge them. The growth blocking mindset can also relate to being generally distracted or unmotivated at work. This mindset holds them back from performing at their best and get the most out of themselves and others. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes and provides an instant response.


Growth Enforcer

The Growth Enforcer quick assessment is our free tool that measures Controlling-Competitive Mindset. The Controlling-Competitive mindset is all about taking charge and winning in every situation. It is very dominating in its approach to teamwork and can cause a lot of conflict. A person with a high score on this assessment will typically think their ideas are superior to anyone else's and like to do things their own way. They like to be in charge at all times and find it hard to follow rather than lead. They prefer doing everything themselves to make sure it gets done in the right way. This mindset holds them back from performing at their best and can affect growth potential in themselves and others. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes and provides an instant response.


Growth Strangler

The Growth Strangler quick assessment is our free tool that measures Complying-Complacent Mindset. The Complying-Complacent mindset is all about reducing risk and conflict by following tradition and following orders. It is a mindset that is characterized by submissiveness and fear of social conflict. A person with a high score on this assessment will typically be overly focused on maintaining relationships with others by avoiding necessary conflicts, giving negative feedback, covering up mistakes, following rules and procedures and not sharing their opinion. This mindset holds them back from performing at their best and get the most out of themselves and others. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes and provides an instant response.


Growth Champion

The Growth Champion quick assessment is our free tool that measures Growth Mindset behavior. Growth mindset is all about building on strengths, being open to learning and enabling others to perform at their very best. A person with a high score on this assessment will typically drive their own growth by setting stretch goals and learning from mistakes. You work well in teams and tend to motivate others by giving feedback and support. They possess strong listening skills and are considerate of others' feelings. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes and provides an instant response.

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